Стилизованная подводная фотосессия в виде мастер-класса.

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    Underwater Stylized Photo-video Workshops

    We are delighted that you are here, it means that we can start working together! Come to Poland for the weekend, visit our region and get a fantastic portfolio!

    Our events are suitable for beginner, intermediate and advanced photographers and filmmakers.

    During workshops you will build or enrich your portfolio with unique shots, discover new skills and meet new friends!

    We are not competitors for each other, we cooperate!

    Be prepared: the workshops are intense!

    We have a swimming pool with sea water, which ensures the clarity of shots and the safety of your eyes and skin.
    The depth of 150 cm provides the possibility of easy and creative posing, the effect of depth is obtained by using an appropriate background and lighting.
    We work on close and distant frames!

    Why us ?

    Because creativity requires courage!

    Moreover You will:

    • Get a portfolio with a WOW effect!
    • Increase reaches in social media!
    • Receive practical tips from professionals!
    • Use our underwater equipment!
    • Cooperation after the workshop!
    • Learn the basics of diving!
    • Come Float with Us!

    What’s included:

    • Rental of diving equipment
    • Underwater photo, film and lighting equipment
    • Underwater scenery
    • Professional model
    • Underwater makeup and styling
    • Special effects in the form of waves and bubbles
    • Assistance of a lifeguard and a diver
    • Substantive and practical knowledge

    What to take with you:

    • Swimsuit
    • Towel
    • Good mood

    What not to do?

    • Do not put lotions on the body
    • Do not use gels or conditioners on your hair
    • Do not wear makeup
    • Do not take pictures underwater with your phone

    After the workshop, the trainee receives:

    • Certificate
    • Possibility to publish photos and videos from the workshops
    • Permanent discount for renting a pool for intakes with equipment and scenery.
    • Underwater photo and film backstage available on online disc – perfect material for rolls and Tiktok.

    Price list :

    • Group workshops: 1200 €
    • Individual workshops: 2300 €
    • Reservation: 100 €,deposit

    We cordially invite you, your development is in your hands and together we can do more!


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